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Two of the most important and influential elements in society are faith and culture. Common to each of these elements is story. At the root of every faith is story.  Story is at the center of film and other cultural art forms. As Jesus used parables to teach complex theological truth and increase discipleship in followers, CrossRoads Faith and Film undershands secular as well as faith-specific films can be important tools in introducing and increasing faith as well as  growing individual and corporate discipleship.  


Script and Story Consulting

We assist with scripts and story development including advising on scriptural accuracy and theology in Biblically based films or identifying and highlighting faith issues presented in secular films.

Sermons and Worship Guides

We develop sermon notes, discussion guides, and more structred  group studies for children, youth and adults. Using films as modern day parables these notes and guides connect themes and subjects presented in popular films that also speak to challenging and difficulat faith issues and theological concepts. CrossRoads can faciliate classes live or via Zoom as well as prepare class members and leaders for leading discussions and studies.

Audience Mobilization

We specialize in faith community engagement through social media and direct contact on denominational and congregational levels.


CrossRoads Faith and Film can assist with mobilizing faith communities to build audience for general releases or special screenings in church facilities or in public theaters.

© 2018 CrossRoadsFaithandFilm  

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